Saturday, November 27, 2021

How to Overcome Tension and Stress

Today I will going to share my newly discovered ways how to overcome tension and stress without overworking yourself too much.

Disclaimer: These are my personal ways and there's no medical claim that they are effective for all.

We all do have a moment in our lives when we succumb to stress and tension. When we found ourselves in this situation, we have two choices. We either pull ourselves back together and go back to regular tuning or we let it get the best of us which is not the best option.

Obviously,  in order to get up, dress up and show up we have to overcome that stress and tension that is pulling us down. Here are my new ways on how I do it so that stress and tension won't get the best of me.

1. Let yourself feel the sadness brought by stress.

I read somewhere before that sadness only last for 12 minutes and anything longer than that is self-inflicted. Emotional states last long because they are reinforced. Let yourself feel the emotion/s. There's nothing wrong with embracing it because that will be stepping stone in order for you to want to get over it. There will come a point in time that you will no longer want to feel that emotion and would want to overcome it.

2. Exercise.

When we feel stress, there is a pent up energy. The best thing to do with that energy is to use it. Have you seen people who throw things when they feel stress? Yes that's it! I read from Health Harvard Edu that exercise reduces levels of the body's stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that are the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators.

You can search Youtube for the best exercise for you. I for example do jumping ropes and different routines and also the 7 minute workout I found on Youtube which will sweat you out and will not consume your time.

Believe me when I say that the feeling and sweat are incomparable when you exercise to burn stress out of your body.

3. Soak yourself in water.

If you have the means fly to the farthest beach getaway. You can also search for the nearest resorts. If you have the bathtub at home, that will do justice as well. I for example did it on a kiddie pool cause I have no chance of flying and spending right now (Pandemic it is). If all options were not possisble, you can still do it your shower. 

4. Drink a lot of water.

Hydrate yourself with water. Pass on the caffeinated beverages. After finding it effective for me, I search if drinking water can really help. Drinking water can lower anxiety and stress level because it helps lower the cortisol level in our body which is one of the stress hormones.

But that doesn't mean that our stress caused by money problems, work deadlines and other troubles would magically disappear. If you're already stressed out with such problems, at least do not add the stress on dehydration to the list. Be kind to your body.

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